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2D: Masterclass - Competitor's Choice


Flowers must be botanically correct. A list of common or Latin names of all botanically correct flowers and foliage used must be supplied alongside the exhibit.  Without the list the exhibit does not meet the schedule requirements and will not be judged.

Competitor’s choice of how many and which specimens of flowers are used, but the display must include buds and associated foliage of the varieties used. Other foliage may additionally be used. Cotton, tape, wire and stamens are allowed. Artificial decoration is allowed for display purposes only but must not predominate. For example – Artificial moss may be used in the display, but e.g. beads, are not allowed on the flowers themselves. To be presented how the competitor wishes. To fit within a maximum base area of 16”/40cm square. Please state your exhibit size as a note on the entry form.

**Each adult entrant attending will be required to take a slot on the stewarding time table and will be contacted regarding the same. 

6 in stock

6 in stock