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Sugarcraft Show -Teen Have-a-Go Taylor Swift


Date: 8th March

Time: 2-4pm

Host: Paul and Amber Redmond

In this workshop especially for teenagers Paul Redmond from Purple Feather Cake Design, ably assisted by his daughter Amber (or is it the other way around?) will take you through lots of techniques to a Taylor Swift themed cake.

Which is you’re favourite Taylor Era? We couldn’t decide so we’re going to bring all of them to life in cake! In this class we’ll use lots of different techniques and a wide variety of tools… transfers, painting, airbrushing, modelling, frilling, stencils, cutters. At the end of the day you’ll go home with lots of knowledge and a cake board representing Taylor Swift’s different albums. The skills you’ll pick up are very transferable to other cakes but for this one class it’ll be all about the Swifties!

Paul is a multi award winning cake artist operating from his studio in Dublin city centre.

But Amber would like to point out that as she has twice won Best in Class awards at cake shows and Paul hasn’t, then technically she’s a better cake decorator than her dad. Who is inclined to agree.

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